Čt 13.11.2014
Café U Palce
70,- / 90,- Kč
Předprodejová místa: sekretariát MěKS (Mlýnská 152), pokladna kina (Brněnská 152), muzeum (Jungmannova 80).
Oona Kastner /Germany/ & Pavel Fajt
Oona Kastner- voc/piano
Pavel Fajt - dr/electronics
Music insipred from ethnic area called Levant - Eastern Mediterranean, geographic and cultural region consisting of the "eastern Mediterranean littoral between Anatolia and Egypt".
We use original melodies and modified them acordingly to the poems by different poets, like e.e.cummings, blake, pessoa, ...)
Concert is based on accoustiic sound of the piano and drums, but the most important informations are comming from the vocal parts. We also use electronic loops, synthesizers, and percussoins.
We can call or project also "ethno chansoon"